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  • info@diamindzihinakademisi.com
Bizi Arayın : 0533 048 49 99


1. Terms and conditions of sale, delivery, and payment

Vendor and contracting partner

Your contracting partner for all orders made through our website is

Josef-Orlopp-Straße 55
10365 Berlin
Email: info@autodoc.co.uk
Website: www.autodoc.co.uk
Management Board: Christian Gisy (Vorsitzender des Vorstands),
Bert Althaus (CFO), Dmitri Zadorojnii (CTO).
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Alexei Kletenkov
VAT ID: DE260634589
Commercial register: HRB 233377 B, Local Court of Berlin (Charlottenburg)

2. Scope of validity and subject of the contract

2.1. The following General Terms and Conditions (“GTC”) apply for account registration and all purchases of goods by the end customer (“you”) in the www.onlinecarparts.co.uk online shop.

2.2. These GTC exclusively govern the contractual relationship between you and us. Your GTC shall not form an integral part of the contract, even if we do not explicitly object to their inclusion.

2.3. These General Terms and Conditions can be accessed and printed out or downloaded at https://www.onlinecarparts.co.uk/terms-conditions.html at any time.


3. Registration

3.1. Registration is required in order to make purchases in the online shop. This can be done during the ordering process, but also independently of an order. After the registration has been completed, we will set up an account for you, which you can use to manage your customer data, such as the address for delivery, yourself.

3.2. Only individuals of legal age with the capacity to enter into contracts (but not, for example, families or couples), legal entities, and business partnerships may register. This requirement also applies to the placing of orders. If a company is registered as a customer, the individual performing the registration guarantees that they are authorised to represent the company.

3.3. When registering your account, you must provide your name, your invoice and delivery address, your phone number, and your email address and choose a password (hereinafter “login data”).

3.4. You submit a binding offer for the conclusion of the contract relating to the account registration by submitting the completed registration form. You will be shown a summary of the data you have entered before the final submission of the registration form. You can correct errors by navigating back to the previous page in the browser and changing your entries.

3.5. After you have completed the registration procedure, we will send you a welcome email. Receipt of this email completes the account registration.

3.6. You guarantee that the information you have provided to us in the context of the registration is true and complete. If you provide incorrect or incomplete information, we are authorised to terminate and delete your account without observing a period of notice. You commit to communicating all future changes to the information provided in the context of your registration without prompting and without delay.

3.7. The account can be terminated in accordance with section 12. Your personal data will then be deleted immediately unless we are allowed to or required to continue to store them due to statutory provisions. More details can be found in our privacy policy.

3.8. Under no circumstances are you authorised to disclose your login data or, in particular, your login password to third parties. In the event that a third party nevertheless obtains access to your account or there are other indications of abuse of your account, you must inform us immediately and change your login data.

3.9. There is no entitlement to register or use the online shop. You are not authorised to register on www.onlinecarparts.co.uk multiple times.


4. Concluding a purchase contract

4.1. Contracts for purchasing products are concluded as follows:

4.1.1. In order to commence the ordering process, you are required to first place the article you would like to purchase into the shopping basket by clicking the relevant button.

4.1.2. Before the order for the contents of the shopping basket is finally submitted, all the contents of the order are displayed once again. You can then change your order again. We save your orders after the contract is concluded but it is no longer possible for you to access them. Please check your order carefully before clicking on the "Confirm order" button.

4.1.3. In the case of payment methods that are not associated with immediate payment on your part, you make a binding offer to conclude a purchase contract by clicking the "Confirm order" button in the shopping basket window screen. The placing of products in the online shop is not a binding offer to conclude a contract. We will confirm receipt of the order by email. The confirmation email does not yet mean that we have accepted your offer. The purchase contract is concluded only when shipment of the goods is confirmed. If you pay for the order placed by making an (electronic) SEPA credit transfer of the purchase price to our bank account (payment option "Vorkasse" ["Prepayment"]), only the email confirmation of the order is deemed to be our declaration of acceptance of the order, not our confirmation of the shipment.

4.1.4. In the case of payment methods that are associated with immediate payment on your part (such as PayPal, sofortueberweisung.de, etc.), the placing of the products on www.onlinecarparts.co.uk constitutes an offer by us. You can accept this offer to conclude a purchase contract by clicking the "Confirm order" button in the shopping basket screen.

4.2. You can print out your order data immediately after you submit your order. If you wish to inspect the documents concerning your order again, please contact us by email or telephone. We will be happy to send you a copy of these data.

4.3. Orders can be changed before they leave our warehouse or before they are handed over to a freight forwarder, i.e. before we issue a shipment number and confirm shipment of the goods by email. This does not affect your statutory guarantee rights or your cancellation rights.

4.4. We also reserve the right to cancel the contract if the goods are not available from a reliable, carefully-selected supplier for reasons for which we are not culpably responsible (reservation of self-delivery). In such cases, we will undertake to inform you immediately that the goods are not available and reimburse any payment made.


5. Core parts

5.1. Core parts are goods on which a deposit (core charge) has been imposed in the ordering information, e.g. alternators, which you are required to pay additionally when purchasing. After receiving a core part, please send us the complete old part from your car back to us and give us your bank account details so that the deposit can be repaid to you. Old car parts must be sent back to us at your expense.

5.2. Please make sure that brake callipers, servo pumps, and other power steering parts have been completely emptied of fluid. The old parts must be able to be remanufactured and must not have any cracks or fractures.

5.3. If old parts are returned with cracks in their casings/housings or drive shafts or differences in current ratings (amperage)/performance, the deposit cannot be reimbursed.

5.4. Examples of core parts are:

- servo pumps
- steering gearboxes
- starters
- alternators
- brake callipers
- drive shafts
- fuel injectors
- high-pressure pumps
- batteries


6. Shipping and delivery

Kosten innerhalb Deutschlands:

Bei Bestellungen unter einem Warenwert von £ 140,00 fallen £ 8,45 Versandkosten an. Ab einem Warenwert von £ 140,00 (ausgenommen Versand in das Ausland und Sonderversand — Sperrgut, Pfandartikel und Reifen) entfallen die Versandkosten.

Bei Zahlungen per PayPal, Kreditkarte, Klarna Rechnung, Vorkasse oder Sofortüberweisung fallen keine weiteren Transaktionsgebühren für Sie an.



Gibraltar £ 15,00
Isle of Man (GB) £ 15,00
Jersey (GB) £ 15,00
Guernsey (GB) £ 15,00


Als Sperrgut gelten folgende Ersatzteile:

Batterie, Katalysator, Krümmer, Schalldämpfer, Sportschalldämpfer, Einstiegsblech, Kotflügel, Kraftstoffbehälter, Seitenwand, Spoiler, Anhängervorrichtung, Frontverkleidung, Motorabdeckung, Motorhaube, Motorraumdämmung und Stoßfänger.

Versand von Sperrgut innerhalb Deutschlands:

1) Beim Versand von Krümmer, Katalysator, Schalldämpfer und Sportschalldämpfer werden zusätzlich £ 4,45 Sperrgutzuschlag erhoben

2) Für den Versand von Batterie, Kotflügel, Einstiegsblech, Kraftstoffbehälter, Seitenwand, Spoiler und Stoßfängerträger ist zusätzlich ein Sperrgutzuschlag von £ 8,89 zu entrichten

3) Für Frontverkleidung, Anhängervorrichtung, Motorabdeckung, Motorhaube, Motorraumdämmung und Stoßfänger wird beim Versand innerhalb Deutschlands zusätzlich £ 13,34 Sperrgutzuschlag erhoben.

Zusätzlich anfallende Versandkosten von Sperrgut in andere Länder:

Austria: £ 23,97
Belgium: £ 23,97
Czech Republic: £ 18,63
Denmark: £ 32,86
France: £ 32,86
Holland: £ 23,97
Italy: £ 41,75
Luxembourg: £ 23,97
Slovakia: £ 27,52
Sweden: £ 41,75
Switzerland: £ 23,97

Sperrgutszuschlag gilt pro Artikel.

Achtung: Versand von Sperrgut in andere, hier nicht aufgeführte Länder, ist nicht möglich.

Alle genannten Preisangaben enthalten die gesetzliche Mehrwertsteuer z.Zt. 20%.


Auf Lager

Der Artikel ist vorrätig. Artikel mit diesem Verfügbarkeitsstatus werden innerhalb von 1-2 Werktagen nach Zahlungseingang versendet.

Derzeit nicht auf Lager

Der Artikel kann nicht bestellt werden: Er ist nicht mehr vorrätig oder wurde aus dem Sortiment genommen. Sie können einen ähnlichen Artikel eines anderen Herstellers bestellen.

Die Lieferzeit ist von der Warenverfügbarkeit abhängig. Beachten Sie bitte den Status auf der jeweiligen Produktseite. Informationen zu eventuellen Zollgebühren finden Sie hier.

Keine Lieferung an gesetzlichen Feiertagen.


Zusatzoption „Sicher bestellen“:


Mit der Zusatzoption „Sicher bestellen“ haben Sie die Möglichkeit, das gesetzliche Widerrufsrecht zu erweitern. Durch eine kostengünstige Pauschale von £ 3,95 / Bestellung bieten wir Ihnen innerhalb der ersten 100 Tage, volle Rücknahme und kostenlosen Rückversand, ohne dass Sie hierfür einen Grund angeben müssen. Hinsichtlich der Abwicklung wird auf das gesetzliche Widerrufsrecht verwiesen. Diese Option kann, soweit angeboten, im letzten Schritt des Bestellvorgangs gebucht werden. Voraussetzung ist, dass das Produkt sich im Originalzustand befindet und weder beschädigt, noch eingebaut wurde. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Ihr gesetzliches Widerrufsrecht durch die Option „Sicher bestellen“ weder ersetzt, noch davon betroffen wird.


- Veranlassen Sie die Rücksendung in Ihrem persönlichen Konto auf www.onlinecarparts.co.uk oder kontaktieren Sie unseren Support.

- Rücksendung der Artikel Originalverpackt und beigefügter Rechnung

- Ersatzteile sollten weder verwendet, beschädigt oder montiert worden sein.

Die Sicher bestellen-Option gilt nur für eine Retoure pro Bestellung.

Sobald wir das Ersatzteil von Ihnen zurückerhalten haben, wird es sorgfältig geprüft. Wenn das Autoteil die oben genannten Kriterien erfüllt, erstatten wir entweder das Geld zurück oder ersetzen dieses durch ein anderes - ganz wie Sie wünschen.

Wichtiger Hinweis:

Die Bedingungen der Sicher bestellen-Option gelten nicht für Sperrgut, alte Austauschartikel und Reifen. Darüber hinaus treffen die Sicher bestellen-Bedingungen nicht auf Produkte Ihrer anderen Bestellungen zu, für die diese Option nicht gewählt wurde.


7. Transfer of transport risk – the following applies to business customers:

The risk of accidental destruction and deterioration of goods during delivery transfers to you as soon as the goods have been handed over to the person responsible for transporting them or when the goods have left our warehouses for shipping purposes. The earliest occurring event is the deciding event.


8. Accepting the goods/transport damage

8.1. We use parcel services to ship your order, among other methods. Should a consignment of goods you receive be damaged, please proceed as follows: If possible, complain about the damaged goods to the parcel service employee directly and document the degree and extent of the damage. This will neither restrict nor affect your guarantee rights.

8.2. You can also refuse to accept damaged goods. If the goods delivered are damaged, please contact us by telephone, email, or personally at the aforementioned addresses. You will thus help us to enforce our claims against the parcel service and improve our service to you at the same time.


9. Prices and payment methods

9.1. We offer you various methods for paying for the goods purchased. You can find the specific payment methods on the relevant product page.

9.2. All prices in our online shop are given in GBP and include the statutory value added tax (VAT). All our prices are ex-warehouse and include packaging but exclude all shipping costs and any COD costs.

9.3. The price of the goods is valid at the moment the order is placed and is shown in the order confirmation that you receive by email after you place the order. If items are saved in the shopping basket, their total price is updated to the latest daily price during the ordering process.

9.4. For purchase contracts between you and us, the total payable price – including shipping costs – is due immediately. You agree to receive the invoice solely in electronic form.


9.5.1. Credit card:

After you have chosen credit card as payment method, please click on “confirm order”. After this you will be redirected to a secure page where you can select your credit card type. Finally, you have to enter the correct card information and to confirm the payment. Your card will be charged after your order has been completed.

9.5.2. Pay Pal:

After you place the order, you will be redirected to the PayPal sign-in page. Please sign in and make the payment. To pay by means of PayPal you need to have a PayPal account. There are no additional charges in connection with this.

9.6. Please note that in the interests of secure payment, the necessary identity documents, information on your account/credit card and a comparison of the delivery address may be requested. This is done solely for your security. The data are sent via a secure connection and are not passed to third parties. In such cases, the processing time of an order may take longer. If the information requested is not provided, the order will be cancelled and the costs for the order will be reimbursed in the same currency you selected when placing the order. In such a case, the goods will not be shipped and the offer made by you will be deemed to have been declined.


10. Arrears/right of retention

10.1. If you are in arrears with a payment, we reserve the right to invoice you for any necessary charges for any reminders we need to send unless you can prove to us that we have not incurred any costs for the reminders whatsoever or that these costs are considerably lower than the reminder costs we have claimed. Each reminder costs EUR 2.50. If the reminder is not required in accordance with Section 286, Subsection 2, of the German Civil Code, you will incur no costs for the first reminder.

10.2. In cases where consumers are in arrears, we will also be entitled to claim interest of five (5) percentage points – and for business customers nine (9) percentage points – over the applicable base interest rate.

10.3. Claiming further damages due to arrears will not be ruled out by claiming reminder fees and/or interest receivable.

10.4. You may offset claims pending against us or assert right of retention only if your counterclaim is undisputed, if legally-recognised title exists or if the counterclaim is in a synallagmatic relationship to the claim in question.


11. Retention of title

11.1. To secure our purchase price claims against you, we retain title to all goods delivered to you until the purchase price has been paid in full.

11.2. You are obliged to treat the goods subject to retention of title with care.

11.3. Before the secured claims are paid in full, the goods subject to retention of title may be neither pledged to third parties nor assigned for purposes of security. You are required to inform us in writing immediately if and when third parties gain access to goods belonging to us.

11.4. If you are a business customer, the following will also apply to you:

11.4.1. We retain title to all delivered goods until full payment of all our current and future claims arising from the purchase contract and ongoing business relationships with you has been made ("secured claims").

11.4.2. If the realisable value of our securities exceeds the secured claims by more than 10%, we will be obliged to release the securities at your request. The choice of securities to be released will be made by us.

11.4.3. Any processing or alteration you carry out on the goods supplied is always on our behalf. If the goods supplied are processed with other items not belonging to us, we will acquire joint ownership of the new item to the value of the goods delivered (final invoice amount including VAT.) as a percentage of the value of the processed items at the time of processing. The new item that comes into being as a result of processing will also be subject to the same conditions as for goods supplied under reservation.

11.4.4. If the goods supplied are inseparably mixed with other items not belonging to us, we will acquire ownership of the new item to the value of the goods supplied (final invoice amount including VAT) as a percentage of the value of the other mixed items at the time of mixing. If mixing is carried out in such a way that your item is to be regarded as the main item, it is deemed to have been agreed that you will transfer proportional ownership to us. You will store the resulting sole or joint property on our behalf.


12. Term, blocking, and termination of the account

12.1. The contract for account registration is concluded for an indefinite period.

12.2. You may terminate the contract for account registration at any time without notice.

12.3. We may duly terminate the contract for account registration with two weeks' notice.

12.4. The right to terminate the account with good reason remains unaffected. In particular, we may terminate the contract for account registration without notice if:
- you provide incorrect or incomplete details at registration
- you repeatedly breach other contractual obligations and continue to breach them in spite of being called upon by us to refrain from doing so;

12.5. If we have terminated the contract, you will not be entitled to create a new account again, including under another name or designation.

12.6. All notice of termination must be given in writing. Terminations by email are considered as being given in writing.


13. Warranties

13.1. Unless otherwise stipulated below, your rights in cases of material defects and defects of title are covered by the provisions of the law.

13.2. Warranty rights for new items expire for consumers within two years. In the case of used items, they will expire within one year following the transfer of risk. For “Stark” brand products, the expiry period is three (3) years.

13.3. If a warranty claim is submitted, you will be entitled to choose to assert your right to have the defect remedied or to have defect-free goods delivered (subsequent performance). If the manner of subsequent performance selected incurs disproportionately high costs, the claim will be restricted to the remaining type of subsequent performance. We will inform you of this as appropriate.

13.4. If you claim installation and/or dismantling costs with regard to the replacement at a garage of a new part supplied by us as a result of liability for material defects, we would ask you to submit the original invoices, receipts etc., as the garage services will be reimbursed by us if the warranty claim is accepted. Please make sure that the invoice only shows work that is directly connected with remedying the defect (i.e. no external services on the invoice). Furthermore, the cost of labour should show a breakdown of the number of hours worked.

13.5. In the case of business customers, liability for defects for used items is ruled out. This will not apply to gross negligence or intent. For new items, warranty rights will expire within a year following transfer of risk.

13.6. Purely for the purposes of clarity, we wish to point out that the following circumstances do not justify or constitute material defects if they are the cause of the defect:

- natural wear and tear;
- improper use;
- inadequate or incorrect care of the goods;
- unsuitable or improper use;
- incorrect installation, in particular if the part ordered is clearly not the right one;
- failure to observe instructions for use;
- incorrect treatment/handling.


14. Checking the accuracy of fit

We wish to point out that, despite all due care, incorrect deliveries may occur in individual cases. Before installing a part you have bought, you are therefore obliged to check it visually by comparing it with the original part being replaced as to whether the part ordered is actually suitable for your car, for example whether drill-holes and connections match. If the part you have bought differs in dimensions, shape or material/s from the original part being replaced, please contact us for further clarification before the part you have bought is installed, adapted or modified, e.g. painted. Your warranty rights will not be affected by this provision.


15. Manufacturer's guarantee

If there is a separate manufacturer's guarantee to which you may have recourse along with the warranty, this will be shown in each product description. This guarantee applies only to the specific product and your claims will be based on the guarantee conditions of the manufacturer and addressed to this manufacturer only.


16. Liability of the vendor for damages

16.1. We will be liable without restriction for intent, gross negligence and in cases of harm to life, limb, or health.

16.2. In cases of minor negligence, we will be liable in cases where an essential contractual obligation has been breached. An essential contractual obligation within the meaning of this subparagraph is an obligation whose fulfilment enables the performance of this contract at all and on whose fulfilment the contractual partner may therefore regularly rely.

16.3. In the event of subparagraph 16.2. above, we will not be liable for any lack of commercial success, loss of profits, or indirect damage.

16.4. Liability in accordance with subparagraph 16.2. above is limited to typical damage foreseeable at the time the contract was concluded.

16.5. The liability restrictions apply in the favour of our employees, representatives, and vicarious agents correspondingly.

16.6. Any liability for guarantees given by us and for claims based on the German Product Liability Act remains unaffected.

16.7. Otherwise, any other liability on our part is ruled out.


17. Online dispute resolution: information in accordance with section 14 (1), Regulation 2013/524/EU on consumer ODR

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR), which can be found at http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/. Our company is fundamentally neither prepared nor obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration body.


18. Consumer arbitration: information in accordance with section 36 of the German Consumer Disputes Resolution Act

18.1. We do not take part in dispute resolution proceedings before consumer arbitration bodies. At the same time, the legal situation requires us to inform you of a consumer arbitration body that is responsible for you:

18.2. Allgemeine Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle des Zentrums für Schlichtung e.V., (General Consumer Conciliation Board of the Registered Association Centre for Conciliation), Strassburger Strasse 8, 77694 Kehl am Rhein, telephone: 07851 / 795 79 40, fax: 07851 / 795 79 41, email: mail@verbraucher-schlichter.de, website: https://www.verbraucher-schlichter.de

19. Final provisions

19.1. This agreement is governed by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany to the exclusion of the provisions of the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods. This does not apply to consumers with regard to those provisions compulsorily applicable in law which would be applicable without this clause, i.e. usually of the country in which consumers have their principal residence, and from which no deviations may be made by agreement.

19.2. The sole place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from or associated with this agreement is Berlin, provided the parties to this agreement are merchants or have no general place of jurisdiction in Germany or another EU member state, or have transferred their residence abroad after these terms of use came into force or whose residence or habitual abode is unknown when legal action is brought.

19.3. We are entitled to amend or adapt these conditions during the term of this contract with effect for the future if this becomes necessary for a compulsory reason such as court decisions or legislative amendments. We will send you the amended terms and conditions in writing before the date the planned date of their entry into force and will in particular point out the new provisions and the date they enter into force. At the same time, we will grant you an appropriate period of at least four (4) weeks to declare whether you accept the amended terms of use for your continued use of our services. If no declaration is made within this period, which will commence with your receipt of the message in writing, the amended terms and conditions will be deemed to have been agreed. We will inform you separately of this legal consequence when the period begins, i.e. of the right to object, the period for objection, and the significance of your silence. This amendment mechanism does not apply to amendments to the parties' main contractual service obligations.

19.4. The legal invalidity of individual provisions does not affect the binding nature of the remaining clauses.

19.5. The language of this contract is German.

Wemax Group GmbH & Co.KG is the website owner

Managing Director: Max Wegner
HRA 46262 B
District Court of Berlin (Charlottenburg)
VAT ID no.: DE281524971

Registered office:
Wemax Group GmbH & Co.KG
Französische Straße 12 10117 Berlin, Germany
Phone number: +44 20 38853 262
Еmail: info@onlinecarparts.co.uk
Web: www.onlinecarparts.co.uk

AUTODOC AG is the vendor of the products and exclusive contracting partner for sales contacts

Management Board: Christian Gisy (Vorsitzender des Vorstands),
Bert Althaus (CFO), Dmitri Zadorojnii (CTO).
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Alexei Kletenkov
Commercial register: HRB 233377 B
Local Court of Berlin (Charlottenburg)
VAT ID no.: DE260634589
Registered office:
Josef-Orlopp-Straße 55
10365 Berlin
Phone number: +442038853401
Fax: +49 30 208 478 250
Еmail: info@autodoc.co.uk
Web: www.autodoc.co.uk

Information on online dispute resolution (ODR)

The European Commission offers a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR), available at https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr.
Our company is neither willing nor generally obliged to participate in dispute resolution procedures in the context of a user arbitration board.




In case of direct or indirect links to third-party websites (”hyperlinks”) that are outside the author’s area of responsibility, the author will only be liable in case of illegal content if the author is aware of the content and it would have been technically possible and reasonable for them to prevent the use. The author expressly declares that at the time of creating the link no illegal content was identifiable on the pages linked to. The author has no influence on the current and future design, content, or authorship of the pages linked to. The author therefore expressly distances themselves from all content of all linked pages that are changed after creation of the link. This statement applies to all links placed within the author's own website as well as to third-party entries in guest books, discussion forums, and mailing lists set up by the author. The provider of the page linked to has sole responsibility for any illegal, incorrect, or incomplete content on that page, and in particular for damage arising from the use or non-use of such information. The person who merely provides a link to such content is not responsible for it.

Copyright and trademark law

In all publications, the author makes every effort to comply with the copyright of the images, sound files, video, and texts used, to use image, sound files, video, and texts created by the author themselves, or to use licence-free images, sound files, video, and texts. All brand names and trademarks that are mentioned on the website and that may be protected by third parties are subject without restriction to the provisions of the applicable trademark law and the ownership rights of the respective registered owners. The mere mention of a trademark does not imply that it is not protected by the rights of third parties! The copyright for published material created by the author themselves remains solely with the author of the pages. Any duplication or use of such images, sounds files, video, or texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without the author's express agreement.

Legal validity of this disclaimer

This disclaimer is to be considered part of the website from which this page was linked. If parts or individual provisions of this text are not, are no longer, or are not completely legal, the content and validity of the rest of the document will not be affected by this.

Please make sure that the spare part identified via our online shop is the exact spare part you are looking for. Additional information may be necessary to ensure that the spare part matches the vehicle it is required for. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Shipping within Great Britain:


The shipping cost for orders below £ 140,00 is £ 8,45. We offer free shipping if the order value exceeds £ 140,00 (except for delivery abroad and special types of parcels – bulky items, core parts, and tyres).

You will not be charged any additional transaction fees when using payment methods such as PayPal or credit card.




Gibraltar £ 15,00
Isle of Man (GB) £ 15,00
Jersey (GB) £ 15,00
Guernsey (GB) £ 15,00



Bulky item surcharge:

The following spare parts are considered bulky items:
batteries, catalytic converters, manifolds, silencers, racing exhaust silencers, thresholds, wings, fuel tanks, spoilers, side panels, trailer couplings (hitches), front cowlings, engine covers, bonnets, engine compartment insulation, and bumpers.

Delivery of bulky goods to Great Britain is not possible!

Delivery of bulky goods within Germany:
1) The shipping cost of manifolds, catalytic converters, silencers, or racing exhaust silencers will incur a bulky item surcharge of £ 4,45
2) The shipping of batteries, fenders, thresholds, fuel tanks, side panels, spoilers, and bumpers will incur a bulky item surcharge of £ 8,89
3) The shipping of front cowlings, trailer couplings (hitches), engine covers, bonnets, and bumpers within Germany will incur a bulky item surcharge of £ 13,34.

Additionally shipping costs for bulky items in other countries:
Austria: £ 23,97
Belgium: £ 23,97
Czech Republic: £ 18,63
Denmark: £ 32,86
France: £ 32,86
Holland: £ 23,97
Italy: £ 41,75
Luxembourg: £ 23,97
Slovakia: £ 27,52
Sweden: £ 41,75
Switzerland: £ 23,97

The bulky item surcharge applies per item.

Note: Shipment of bulky goods to countries not indicated in this list is not possible.

All prices indicated are subject to VAT at the current rate of 20%.

Delivery times:

In stock

The item is available. Items with this availability status are sent within 4-5 working days after the receipt of payment.

Currently not in stock

This item cannot be ordered. It is no longer available or has been discontinued. You can order a similar item from a different manufacturer.

The delivery time depends on the availability of the product. Please check the availability status of the product you are interested in.

You can find information on possible customs charges here.

There is no delivery on public holidays. Tyres are not shipped to Scotland.

Additional “Safe Order” option

With the additional “Safe Order” option you have the possibility of extending the standard right of cancellation. For the low-cost payment of £ 3,95 per order, we offer you a full refund and free return shipment within the first 100 days without you being required to give a reason. The standard right of cancellation should be referred to with regard to the processing. This option, insofar as it is offered, is available at the last stage of the ordering process. It is valid only if the product is in its original condition, is not damaged and has not been mounted. Please note that your statutory right of cancellation is neither replaced nor affected by the "Safe Order" option.

Requirements for returns using the “Safe Order” option:

- Please make the product return request in your personal account on www.onlinecarparts.co.uk, or contact our customer support.
- Send us the item in its original package with the invoice enclosed
- Spare parts should be unused, undamaged, and unmounted.

The Safe Order option is only valid for one return per order.

Once we receive the spare part back from you, it will be thoroughly examined. If the car part meets the above-mentioned requirements, we will replace the part with another one or refund your money, whichever you prefer.

Please note:

The conditions of the Safe Order option do not apply to bulky items, old core parts, or tyres. In addition, the conditions of the Safe Order option do not apply to products from other orders for which this option was not selected.


The controller within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other national data protection laws of the Member States as well as other data protection provisions is:

Josef-Orlopp-Straße 55
10365 Berlin
Fax: +49 30 208 478 250
E-mail: privacy-policy@autoteiledirekt.de

You are welcome to contact our data protection officer at any time if you have any questions on the subject of data protection in connection with our products/services or the use of our website. They can be contacted at the above postal address as well as at the e-mail address indicated above (please mark your correspondence “For the attention of the data protection officer”). We draw your attention expressly to the fact that, when using this e-mail address, the contents of your e-mail will not be read exclusively by our data protection officer. If you wish to exchange confidential information, please therefore use this e-mail initially to ask the officer to contact you directly.


2.1. Visiting our website / access data

Each time our website is visited, our system automatically records data and information from the computer system of the requesting computer.

The following data is collected here:

  • Information about the browser type and the version used
  • The user’s operating system
  • The user’s Internet service provider
  • The user’s IP address
  • Date and time of access
  • Websites from which the user’s system accessed our website
  • Websites that are visited by the user’s system from our website.


The processing of this data is necessary in order to enable the visit to the website and to guarantee that the functions and security of our systems are constantly maintained. The access data is additionally saved temporarily in internal log files for the purposes described above in order generate statistical information about the use of our website, to further develop our website based on how our visitors use it (e.g. if the proportion of mobile devices that are used to access the web pages increases) and to perform the general administrative management of our website.

The legal basis is provided by Art. 6(1) sentence 1 (b) GDPR if the page view takes place in the course of initiating or performing a contract and otherwise by Art. 6(1) sentence 1 (f) GDPR based on our legitimate interest in constantly maintaining the functions and security of our systems.

The data is deleted as soon as it is no longer necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was collected. If the data is collected in order to provide the website, the data is deleted when the current session is ended. If the data is stored in log files, it is generally deleted after no more than seven days. In this case, the users’ IP addresses are deleted or modified so that they can no longer be assigned to a specific customer.

2.2. Getting in contact with us

There are several options for getting in contact with us. These include using contact forms and getting in contact by e-mail or phone. In this connection, we process data exclusively for the purpose of communicating with you.

The legal basis is provided by Art. 6(1) sentence 1 (b) GDPR if your information is needed in order to answer your query or to initiate or perform a contract and otherwise by Art. 6(1) sentence 1 (f) GDPR based on our legitimate interest that you are able to contact us and that we can answer your query.

The data we collect when the contact form is used is deleted automatically after your enquiry has been fully processed, unless we still need your enquiry to fulfil contractual or statutory obligations (cf. section 5 “Period of storage”).

2.2.1. Contact forms

Contact forms are available on our website that can be used to get in contact with us electronically. If a user uses this option, the following mandatory information is sent to us and stored:

  • Order number
  • Telephone number
  • Given and family names (optional)
  • Vehicle identification number (optional)
  • Key number
  • E-mail address
  • Article number


The following data is additionally stored at the time the message is sent:

  • IP address
  • Date and time that the query is received.


2.2.2. Getting in contact by e-mail

As an alternative to the contact form, it is also possible to contact us directly in writing using the e-mail address provided. In this case, the user’s personal data sent with the e-mail will be stored.

The data is deleted as soon as it is no longer necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was collected. If the query involves business correspondence, we store your information for up to three years.

2.2.3. Getting in contact by phone

You also have the option of contacting us by phone. If you grant us your consent at the beginning of your call, we will subsequently record the conversation we have with you. We will save the information provided during the telephone conversation to train our customer support staff as well as to ensure the quality of our call centre and generally delete it after three months at the latest, unless a longer retention period is stipulated by law or is necessary for documentation purposes. We can store the recording for up to three years for documentation purposes (e.g. entry into a purchase agreement). Your consent provides the legal basis (Art. 6(1) (a) GDPR) for recording and evaluating the conversation.

2.3. Registration

On our website, we offer users the option of creating a customer account and registering for our log-in area in order to benefit from the site's full scope of functions. We have highlighted the data that you have to provide as mandatory by marking the boxes as required fields. It is not possible to register without that data. The legal basis for the processing is provided by Art. 6(1) sentence 1 (b) GDPR.

The following data is collected in the course of the registration process:

  • Title
  • Given and family name
  • E-mail address
  • Password


The following data is additionally stored at the time of registration:

  • IP address
  • Date and time of the registration


The registration data is used to process orders in our online shop and to create a customer account.

The data is deleted as soon as it is no longer necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was collected, unless a longer retention period is necessary in order to fulfil statutory obligations.

2.4. Orders

In addition to the data already provided during registration, we collect the following information during an order process, which is necessary to execute the contract:

  • Date of birth
  • E-mail address
  • Password
  • Billing and shipping address
  • Payment method (possibly also including your bank’s IBAN and BIC depending on the payment method, if payment service providers mentioned in 2.4.1 have not been selected to make the payment).


Information such as telephone and fax numbers may also be provided optionally so that we can also contact you by these means in the event of queries or in order to phone you to request payment after the payment due date has elapsed and after we have sent you a written reminder if this is necessary and we are unable to contact you in another way if you have not paid.

The legal basis for the processing is provided by Art. 6(1) sentence 1 (b) GDPR.

We use the data you have provided exclusively to fulfil and process your orders. Your order data will be saved in your customer account and deleted after the retention period for tax and business records has expired, unless you have explicitly consented that your data can continue to be used.

2.4.1. Payment service providers

The option of selecting different payment service providers and common payment methods, such as payment in advance, payment by PayPal or by invoice, is available for settling the payment. Payment data such as billing addresses, IBAN, BIC and preferred payment methods can be sent to these service providers for this purpose. This furthermore includes data that is generated in direct connection with the payment settlement, such as data that external payment service providers use for identification purposes (e.g. given and family names, address, gender, e-mail address, IP address, telephone number, PayPal ID), device information (e.g. IP address, device type, operating system) or data that is required to prepare an invoice, such as the number of articles, article numbers, invoice amount and tax in percent. These service providers can also process data on your previous payment history as well as probability values on future behaviour. We also receive relevant information from the payment service providers about the payment for the purpose of reviewing payments, e.g. in order to release purchased goods. We also receive master data and financial information from the payment service providers as part of any identity check that may be prescribed by law.

If you have not granted us your consent pursuant to Art. 6(1) (a) GDPR, the legal basis for disclosing the data to the payment service providers in the course of processing the contract is provided by Art. 6(1) sentence 1 (b) GDPR, as the processing is necessary for the performance of the contract and the processing of the order.

Please see the data privacy notices of the relevant payment service providers for the legal bases of the data processing that they are independently responsible for performing.

  • Klarna, Sveavägen 46, 111 34 Stockholm, Sweden (“Klarna”). Please see Klarna’s privacy notice for more information.
  • Sofort GmbH, a company of the Klarna Group, Theresienhöhe 12, 80339 Munich (“Sofort GmbH”). Please see the privacy notice of Sofort GmbH for more information.
  • PayPal (Europe) S.a r.l. et Cie, S.C.A., 22-24 Boulevard Royal, 2449 Luxembourg, Luxembourg (“PayPal”). Please see PayPal’s privacy notice for more information.
  • Trustly Group AB, 556754-8655, Norrtullsgatan 6, 113 29 Stockholm, Sweden (“Trustly”). Please see Trustly’s privacy policy for more information.
  • Dalenys Payment SAS, 110 avenue de France, 75013 Paris, France (“Dalenys”). Please see Dalenys Payment’s privacy policy for more information.
  • Braintree, a company of PayPal (Europe) S.a r.l. et Cie, S.C.A., 22-24 Boulevard Royal, 2449 Luxembourg, Luxembourg (“Braintree”). Please see Braintree’s privacy policy for more information.
  • Apple Pay, Apple Inc., One Apple Park Way, Cupertino, CA, USA, 95014 (“Apple Pay”). Please see Apple’s privacy policy for Apple Pay for more information.
  • Google Pay, Google Payment Ireland Limited, 70 Sir John Rogerson’s Quay, Dublin 2, Ireland (“Google Pay”). Please see the privacy policy of Google Pay and Payments and Google’s privacy policy for more information.
  • Przelewy24 at PayPro Spółka Akcyjna, ul. Kanclerska 15, 60-327 Poznań, Poland (“przelewy24”). Please see the privacy policy of przelewy24 for more information.
  • PostFinance, PostFinance AG, Mingerstrasse 20, 3030 Berne, Switzerland (“PostFinance”). Please see PostFinance’s privacy policy for more information.


The payment options and service providers may vary depending on the place from where the website was accessed.

We would like to point out that the most efficient way to make data protection enquires is to contact the relevant payment service provider, as only they have access to the data and can institute appropriate measures directly.

2.5. Newsletter

There is an option on our website to subscribe to our free and personalised newsletter, in which we regularly send you information especially tailored to you, news about our product innovations and developments, current special offers and campaigns, shopping cart reminders and opinion and customer satisfaction surveys. When you register for the newsletter, the data from the input screen will be sent to us and to delivery service providers that we have engaged. Generally, you have to input only your e-mail address. Other information such as your given and family names and your gender might be requested as optional information in order to give you the possibility of receiving a personalised newsletter.

We use the double opt-in procedure for the subscription to our newsletter, i.e. we will send you newsletters by e-mail only if you have confirmed that you are the holder of the indicated e-mail address by clicking a link in our e-mail notification. If you confirm your e-mail address, we store it, the time of your subscription and the IP address used to subscribe until you unsubscribe from the newsletter. The data is stored solely for the purpose of sending you the newsletter and being able to verify your subscription. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time. The newsletter includes an appropriate cancellation link. A notification sent to the contact details indicated above or in the newsletter (e.g. by e-mail or letter) is of course also sufficient for this purpose.

The legal basis for the processing is provided by your consent pursuant to Art. 6(1) sentence 1 (a) GDPR. The registration procedure is recorded here on the basis of our legitimate interest pursuant to Art. 6(1) (f) GDPR for purposes of documenting that the procedure has been conducted properly.

The data is used exclusively for sending the newsletter.

In order to ascertain when our e-mails are opened and how they are used, we use standard market technologies provided to us by our delivery service providers to record and analyse the interactions with the newsletter and the access data that is generated (e.g. opening rate or click rate). Our e-mails also include web beacons for this purpose. These are small image files that are downloaded from our website and allow us to establish when an e-mail is opened by you. Moreover, we learn what links contained in the e-mails you click on. We use this access data to constantly improve our offer, our contents and customer communication as well as for statistical purposes. Furthermore, we use the information to better understand what contents and products you are interested in so that we can show you contents that are as relevant to you as possible in the future.

In the course of your registration to receive our advertising mails, we additionally obtain your consent for us to personalise our e-mails in line with your interests and needs on the basis of the data stored about you on multiple devices, such as your access data, any account information and your shopping behaviour (orders, returns, ordering processes not completed).

If you do not want your usage behaviour to be analysed, you can unsubscribe from the newsletter or configure your e-mail program to disable graphics as the default setting.

The legal basis for this is your consent pursuant to Art. 6(1) sentence 1 (a) GDPR.

The access data (opening and click data) is collected and stored exclusively in anonymised form.

Other data that is collected in the context of the newsletter independently of the opening and click data is deleted as soon as it is no longer necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was collected. The user’s e-mail address is accordingly stored in principle as long as the subscription to the newsletter is active. If you unsubscribe from e-mail notifications, we regard this as revocation of your consent to create your personalised user profile and to receive e-mails based on this profile. Your personalised user profile will be deleted by us immediately. The e-mail addresses, including the log data, are removed and blocked. The temporary block serves our legitimate interest in being able to prove that consent had originally been granted (Art. 6(1) f) GDPR). We delete the e-mail address from the e-mail distribution list after six months have elapsed.

Separate revocation concerning the analysis of your access data that is described above is not possible. However, you have the option of configuring the mail program you use in such a way that e-mails are shown in text form and not in HTML. This causes image and graphic files to be blocked so that tracking is no longer possible. The newsletter will not be shown to you in full in this case, however, and you may possibly not be able to use all the functions. Separate revocation concerning the creation of a personalised user profile is also not possible. If you do not want us to create a personalised user profile for you, you have the option at any time to withdraw your consent to receiving personalised e-mail advertising as described above.

In this connection we use the GetResponse service of GetResponse Sp.z o.o., ul. ARKONSKA 6/A3, 80-387 GDANSK, Poland (“GetResponse”).

We have entered into a contract data processing agreement and, for the event that personal data is transferred to third countries such as the US, EU standard contractual clauses with GetResponse. Your consent to the tracking issued through the cookie banner also expressly extends to the transmission of data to GetResponse (Art. 49(1) sentence 1 (a) GDPR). Please see section 6 (“Transferring data to third countries”) for the risks involved.

Please see GetResponse’s privacy policy for more information on the protection of your data.

2.6. Advertising for existing customers by e-mail

If you have made a purchase from us, we also use your contact data to e-mail you other information on our products that is relevant to you (“advertising for existing customers”). This can include new products, campaigns and offers as well as feedback and other surveys.

The legal basis for this data processing is Art. 6(1) (f) GDPR in conjunction with section 7(3) of the Gesetz gegen den unlauteren Wettbewerb (UWG – German Act against Unfair Competition), according to which the data processing is permitted to protect legitimate interests in so far as this concerns the storage and other use of the data for advertising purposes. You can object to the use of your data for advertising purposes at any time by clicking on a corresponding link in the e-mails or by sending a message to the contact details indicated above (e.g. by e-mail or post) without incurring costs other than the transmission costs at the basic rates.

2.7. Contact from Autodoc by telephone

If you have granted us your consent and registered your telephone number in your customer account, we may call you to conduct customer satisfaction surveys, to suggest special offers and campaigns to you and to inform you about products as well as for statistical purposes. If you grant us your consent at the beginning of the call, we will subsequently record the conversation. We will save the information provided during the telephone conversation to train our customer support staff as well as to ensure the quality of our call centre and generally delete it after three months at the latest, unless a longer retention period is stipulated by law or is necessary for documentation purposes. We can store the recording for up to three years for documentation purposes (e.g. entry into a purchase agreement). Your consent provides the legal basis (Art. 6(1) (a) GDPR) for recording and evaluating the conversation.

2.8. Surveys and competitions

If you take part in one of our surveys, we use your data for market and opinion research. We evaluate the data in principle in anonymous form for internal purposes. If in exceptional cases surveys are not anonymous when they are evaluated, the data will be collected and processed exclusively with your consent (Art. 6(1) sentence 1 (a) GDPR).

During competitions, we use your data for the purpose of conducting the competition and to notify you if you win a prize. More detailed information can be found in the terms and conditions of participation for the respective competition. The legal basis for the processing is provided by Art. 6(1) sentence 1 (b) GDPR.


We use cookies and similar technologies (“tools”) on this website that are offered either by us or by third parties.

Cookies are small text files that can be stored on your device by your browser. Cookies are not used to execute programs or to load viruses to your computer. Similar technologies include web storage (local / session storage), fingerprinting, tags and pixel in particular. Some cookies are kept on your computer for a specific period and allow us to recognise your computer again when you next visit our website (persistent cookies). Our partners are not permitted to collect, process or use personal data using cookies on our website.

Most browsers accept cookies and similar technologies as the default setting. However, you can generally adjust your browser settings so that cookies or similar technologies are rejected or stored only after being given prior consent. You can also allow or prohibit individual temporary and saved cookies independently of each other in the security settings. If you disable cookies, certain functions of our website may not be available to you, some web pages may not be correctly displayed and not all of our offers may function smoothly for you. For example, temporary cookies must be allowed in order to use our shopping cart. The data stored in our cookies is not linked to your personal data (name, address, etc.). We will not link the data stored in our cookies linked to your personal data (name, address, etc.) without your explicit consent.

You can delete any stored cookies at any time yourself by selecting the relevant menu item in your Internet browser or erasing the cookies on your hard drive. You can find the details on this on your Internet browser’s help menu. Session cookies are deleted again once you have left the website and are used here only in order to assist you in navigating the website and accessing content as well as to capture statistics.

The tools that we use are listed and ordered by category below, where we inform you in particular of the provider of the tool and the disclosure of the data to third parties. We also explain in what cases we obtain your voluntary consent to use the tools and how you can withdraw this consent.

Should the information in the cookie banner contradict the information in this privacy policy – also even when the greatest care has been taken – the information in this privacy policy shall prevail.

3.1. Legal basis and revocation

3.1.1. Legal basis

We use tools that are necessary to operate the website on the basis of our legitimate interest pursuant to Art. 6(1) sentence 1(f) GDPR in order to allow you a more convenient and more personalised use of our website and to design this use in a way that saves as much time as possible. In certain cases, these tools can also be necessary to take steps prior to entering into a contract or to perform a contract; the processing is then carried out pursuant to Art. 6(1) sentence 1(b) GDPR.

We use all other tools, especially tools for marketing purposes, based on your consent pursuant to Art. 6(1) sentence 1(a) GDPR as well as pursuant to section 15(3) sentence 1 of the Telemediengesetz (TMG – German Telemedia Act) if user profiles are created for advertising or market research purposes. Data processing using these tools takes place only if we have received your consent for this in advance.

If personal data is transferred to third countries, please refer to section 6 (“Transferring data to third countries”), also with regard to any risks that may be involved. We inform you if we have entered into standard contractual clauses or other guarantees with the providers of certain tools. If you have given your consent to the use of certain tools, we transfer the data processed when these tools are used to third countries (also) on the basis of this consent.

3.1.2. Obtaining your consent

We use a consent management tool to obtain and manage your consent. This generates a banner, which informs you of the data processing on our website and gives you the option of consenting to all, individual or no data processing using optional tools. This banner appears when you visit our website for the first time and when you view your settings selection again in order to change these settings or to withdraw your consent. The banner also appears each time you visit our website again if you have disabled the storage of cookies.

If you grant your consent, each consent or revocation, your IP address, information about your browser, and your device at the time you visit our website are transmitted to us in the course of your visit to the website. Moreover, we use our own necessary cookie in order to store any consent and revocations you have issued. If you delete cookies, we will ask you for your consent again when you view pages later.

The data processing is necessary in order to provide you with the legally required consent management and to meet our documentation obligations. The legal basis for using the consent management tool is provided by Art. 6(1) sentence 1 (f) GDPR based on our interest in fulfilling the legal requirements for cookie consent management.

3.1.3. Withdrawing your consent or changing your selection

You can withdraw your consent for specific tools at any time. To do this, click on the following link. You can also change the selection of the tools for which you would like to give your consent for their use as well as obtain additional information about the cookies and the respective storage period here. Alternatively, you can withdraw your consent for specific tools by contacting the service provider directly.

Our website uses various types of cookies and similar technologies which each have a specific function. We use and manage some cookies directly, while other cookies are used and managed by third parties in accordance with their own privacy policies. Please find an overview below:

3.2. Necessary tools

We use certain tools in order to enable the basic functions of our website and the display of contents on a smartphone (“necessary tools”). Without these tools, we would not be able to provide our service. Necessary tools are therefore used without consent on the basis of our legitimate interest pursuant to Art. 6(1) sentence 1 (f) GDPR or to take steps prior to entering into a contract or to perform a contract pursuant to Art. 6(1) sentence 1(b) GDPR.

3.2.1. Own cookies

We use our own necessary cookies in particular

  • to authenticate log-ins,
  • to distribute the load,
  • to save your language settings,
  • to note that you have been shown information placed on our website – so that this is not shown again when you next visit the website.


These cookies are essential for enabling the website to function smoothly and identify the language and country from which you have accessed the website, for example. If you are a registered visitor, cookies enable you to be recognised and to access services in the relevant sections.

3.2.2. Google Tag Manager

Our website uses Google Tag Manager, a service that is offered to users from the European Economic Area and Switzerland by Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, and to all other users by Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (jointly “Google”).

Tag Manager is used to administer tracking tools and other services, which are known as website tags. A tag is an element that is filed in the source text of our website in order for example to record defined usage data. Google Tag Manager ensures that the usage data required by our partners is sent to them.

Google Tag Manager works without using cookies.

The legal basis is provided by Art. 6(1) sentence 1 (f) based on our legitimate interest in integrating and administering several tags in an uncomplicated way on our website.

We have entered into a contract data processing agreement with Google. Some data is processed on a Google server in the US. We have entered into standard contractual clauses pursuant to Art. 46(2) (c) GDPR with Google for the event that personal data is transferred to the US or other third countries. Please see section 6 (“Transferring data to third countries”) for more information.

Please see Google’s information about Tag Manager for more detailed information.

3.3. Functional tools

We additionally use tools in order to enhance the user experience on our website and to be able to offer your more functions (“functional tools”). Although these are not absolutely necessary for the basic functionality of the website, they can, however, provide the user with significant advantages, especially concerning user friendliness and the provision of additional communication, display or payment channels.

3.3.1. MyFonts

Our website uses the MyFonts service, which is offered by Monotype Imaging Holdings Inc., 600 Unicorn Park Drive, Woburn, MA 01801 USA, and its international subsidiaries and affiliated companies (“MyFonts”).

When you view a page, your browser loads the required fonts in order to display texts correctly and attractively. For this purpose, your browser has to establish a connection with the MyFonts servers. As a result, MyFonts learns that our website has been viewed from your IP address. This data is not amalgamated with other data. No cookies are stored.

The legal basis for the data processing is provided by your voluntary consent pursuant to Art. 6(1) sentence 1 (a) GDPR. MyFonts serves to display our online presence in a uniform and attractive way thanks to the maintenance-free and efficient use of fonts while also taking possible licensing restrictions for their local integration into account.

The server to which a connection is established may be located in the US. For the event that personal data is transferred to the US or other third countries, your consent explicitly also extends to this data transfer (Art. 49(1) sentence 1 (a) GDPR). Please see section 6 (“Transferring data to third countries”) for the risks involved.

You can find more information in the privacy policy and the terms of use of MyFonts and in Monotype’s privacy policy.

3.3.2. Chat tool

Our website uses the chat program from Genesys Telecommunications Lab. GmbH Germany, Joseph-Wild-Straße 20, 81829 Munich, Germany, to improve communication with visitors.

If you have general or specific questions or problems relating to our products, the website or our company, you can send us a message via the chat program. You will see whether someone is online to answer you directly. If this is not the case, we will answer your query immediately during our business hours. In this connection, we process data exclusively for the purpose of communicating with you.

When the chat program is used, the IP address of the device and the address of the sub-page from which you call up the chat program are recorded. Genesys also uses cookies and similar technologies. Chats that are conducted are recorded and stored.

The legal basis is provided by Art. 6(1) sentence 1 (b) GDPR if the page view takes place in the course of initiating or executing a contract and otherwise by Art. 6(1) sentence 1 (f) GDPR based on our legitimate interest in constantly maintaining the functions and security of our systems.

We have entered into a contract data processing agreement with Genesys. The data recorded in this connection may be transmitted to and stored on a Genesys server in third countries. We have entered into standard contractual clauses pursuant to Art. 46(2) (c) GDPR with Genesys for the event that personal data is transferred to third countries. Please see section 6 (“Transferring data to third countries”) for more information.

Please see Genesys’s privacy policy for more detailed information.

3.3.3. Push notifications (Firebase Cloud Messaging)

We offer a free push notification service on our website. You can subscribe to this service by clicking the “Allow” button. You have the option of ending this subscription at any time in your browser settings.

When using our app, you will receive what are known as push notifications from us; you will also receive them even when you do not have the app open at the time. These notifications can include messages that we send to you as part of performing a contract (e.g. message that our app is not available because maintenance work is being carried out).

The legal basis is provided in this case by Art. 6(1) (a) GDPR. You will receive advertising information by push notification only if you have given your consent for this. The legal basis in this case is provided by Art. 6(1) (a) GDPR.

Moreover, you can disable push notifications at any time using the settings on your mobile device.

We use the Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM SDK) service, which is offered by Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA, to send our push notifications. Using the instance ID (Google token) that is assigned when the app is installed on your device, Firebase Cloud Messaging enables the push notifications for precisely your mobile device to be displayed. The instance ID does not allow any conclusions to be drawn about your identity and is therefore anonymous.

In the event that personal data is nevertheless transferred to the US, it is sent on the basis of Art. 49(1) (b) GDPR in order to enable the performance of a contract with you or the implementation of pre-contractual measures. Please see section 6 (“Transferring data to third countries”) for more information.

Please see Google’s privacy policy and the data privacy notices concerning Firebase for more detailed information about Firebase.

3.3.4. Cloudflare

We use content delivery network services of Cloudflare Germany GmbH, Rosental 7, 80331 Munich, Germany, and Cloudflare Inc., 701 Townsend St., San Francisco, CA 94107 (USA), on our website. In a content delivery network, the contents of our website is placed on the service’s server. The server of the service provider distributes these contents to you and your browser when our page is viewed. Cloudflare processes log data, such as your IP address, system setting information, DNS log data and device information. We use Cloudflare for the purpose of defending our website against attacks, such as DDoS and bot attacks for example and to be able to identify users. No user IDs or personal data are stored in this process. The time it takes for our website to load can also be shortened using Cloudflare, meaning we are able to make the contents of our pages available to you quickly.

The legal basis for using Cloudflare is Art. 6(1) (f) GDPR, based on our legitimate interest in using the service to institute security measures against attacks on our website and in providing large volumes of data to the users of our website.

We have entered into a contract data processing agreement with Cloudflare. We have entered into standard contractual clauses with Cloudflare for the event that Cloudflare transfers data to third countries.

Please see Cloudflare’s privacy policy for more information.

3.4. Analysis tools

In order to improve our website, we use tools to statistically record and analyse the general usage behaviour on the basis of access data (“analysis tools”). In this process, we analyse search terms that are entered, the frequency of page views or the utilisation of certain website functions, for example.

We also use analysis services to evaluate the use of our various marketing channels.

The legal basis for using the analysis tools is provided – unless otherwise stated – by your consent pursuant to Art. 6(1) sentence 1 (a) GDPR. Please see 3.1.3: “Withdrawing your consent or changing your selection” for information on withdrawing your consent. For the event that personal data is transferred to the US or other third countries, your consent explicitly also extends to this data transfer (Art. 49(1) sentence 1 (a) GDPR). Please see section 6 (“Transferring data to third countries”) for the risks involved.

Technical measures are used to render users’ data pseudonymous and anonymous. It is therefore no longer possible to assign the data to the visiting user. The data is not stored together with users’ other personal data.

3.4.1. Google Analytics

Our website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”). According to Google, the point of contact for all data protection concerns is Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland.

Google Analytics uses cookies and similar technologies in order to be able to analyse and enhance our website using your user behaviour. Google will process the information obtained in order to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on the website activities for the website owner and to perform other services associated with the use of the website and Internet use. These services also include the creation of remarketing target groups and lists and the delivery of advertisements in Google display and search campaigns (remarketing) as well as the identification and breakdown of visitors to the website by age, gender, interests (conversion tracking) to direct the advertisements at the relevant target groups. The data generated in this connection can be transferred to and stored on a server in the US by Google for evaluation.

We have used the following data protection settings for using Google Analytics:

  • IP anonymisation (masking of the IP address before evaluation so that no conclusions can be drawn about your identity).
  • Automatic deletion of old logs / limitation on the storage period
  • Advertising function disabled (including target group remarketing through GA Audience)
  • Personalised advertisements disabled
  • Measurement log disabled
  • Cross-page tracking (Google Signals) disabled
  • Data release to other Google products and services disabled


The following data is processed by Google Analytics:

  • Anonymised IP address
  • referrer URL (previous page visited)
  • pages viewed (data, time, URL, title, time spent there)
  • downloaded files
  • links to other websites clicked on
  • achievement of specific targets (conversions)
  • technical information: operating system, browser type, version and language, device type, brand, model and resolution
  • approximate location (country and, where appropriate, town, based on anonymised IP address)
  • data on demographic characteristics and interests.


Google Analytics places the following cookies for the respective storage period for the indicated purpose:

  • “_ga” for 2 years and “_gid” for 24 hours (both for identifying and differentiating the website visitors by means of a user ID)
  • “_gat” for 1 minute (to reduce queries to the Google servers)


We have entered into a contract data processing agreement with Google for the use of Google Analytics as well as standard contractual clauses for the event that personal data is transferred to the US or other third countries.

Please see Google’s privacy policy for more detailed information.

3.4.2. Google Analytics for Firebase

We use Google Analytics for Firebase ("Firebase”), an analysis service of Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”). Firebase enables us to analyse and evaluate the usage patterns of the users of our website and app by means of the device ID that we have generated for your device. The knowledge that we obtain in this process helps us to improve our website and app and thus to make your user experience more pleasant.

The following information in particular is processed in the analysis:

  • the device ID;
  • registration, log-in and log-out, forgot password;
  • number of users and sessions (data, time), session length;
  • operating system, device type, brand, model and resolution;
  • region, country, language;
  • age group, gender;
  • initial launch, app version, app models, app updates;
  • incidents (such as interactions and events), for example areas/modules visited within the app, contents viewed, clicks on buttons, etc.


You can restrict the use of your advertising ID in the device settings of your mobile device:

  • For Android: Settings > Google > Ads > Reset advertising ID
  • For iOS: Settings > Privacy > Advertising > Turn off ad tracking


The data processing for Firebase may also take place on servers in the US. Data linked with the advertising ID is stored for 60 days, user conversions for 14 months. We have entered into standard contractual clauses with Google if your user personal data is transferred to the US.

For more detailed information about data protection at Google and Firebase, please see:

3.4.3. Yandex

This website uses Yandex Metrica, a web analysis service of Yandex LLC, 16 Lva Tolstogo str., Moscow, 119021, Russia (www.yandex.com), which is offered by Yandex Oy Limited Company – Moreenikatu 6, 04600 Mantsala, Finland (“Yandex”) for users from the European Union and the European Economic Area. Visitor data is collected, evaluated and stored in pseudonymous form using Yandex Metrica on the basis of your consent to the statistical analysis of usage behaviour for optimisation and marketing purposes pursuant to Art. 6(1) (a) GDPR. Pseudonymised usage profiles can be generated from this data and evaluated for the same purpose. Yandex Metrica uses cookies, i.e. small text files, which are stored locally in the cache of the page visitor’s Internet browser. One of the purposes that these cookies are used for is to recognise the browser and thus enable the statistical data to be identified more accurately. The user's IP address is collected and immediately pseudonymised after being collected and before being stored in order to prevent individual users from being identified.

The information created by the cookie (including the pseudonymised IP address) is transferred to and stored on a Yandex server in the Russian Federation in order to safeguard the above-mentioned interests. We have therefore entered into a contract data processing agreement and EU standard contractual clauses with Yandex. The data collected with the Yandex technologies is not used at any time to personally identify the visitor to this website and is not combined with personal data about the bearer of the pseudonym unless the data subject has granted their separate consent to this.

If you would like to disable the evaluation of the user behaviour via cookies, you can adjust your browser settings so that you are informed when cookies are placed on your browser and can decide whether to accept them individually or to prevent cookies from being accepted generally or in specific cases.

Alternatively, you can object to Yandex collecting data in the future by installing an opt-out add-on, which you can obtain from the following website: https://yandex.com/support/metrica/general/opt-out.xml.

Please see Yandex’s privacy policy for more information on the data processing.

3.4.4. New Relic

A plug-in of the New Relic web analysis service is used on this website for monitoring and analysis purposes. This service is provided by New Relic Inc., 188 Spear Street, Suite 1200, San Francisco, CA 94105, USA. This enables us to record and analyse statistical evaluations of the website's performance (response time, throughput, failure rate, transactions). The plug-in allows New Relic to receive the information that a user has viewed the corresponding page of the offer. System data on add-ons used, browsers as well as hardware and software and utilisation time, known as application data, is collected by New Relic for this purpose, for which cookies are placed on your browser. The cookie placed by New Relic is what is known as a pixel tracker or session cookie, which is automatically deleted when the browser is closed.

If you are logged in here as a user at New Relic, New Relic can assign your visit to your account there. If you are not a member of New Relic, there is nevertheless the possibility that New Relic will be able to find out and store your IP address.

If you are a member of a social network and do not want New Relic to collect data about you from our pages in order to link it with your membership data stored at New Relic, you will have to log out from New Relic before you visit our pages.

We have entered into a contract data processing agreement with New Relic as well as EU standard contractual clauses for the event that personal data is transferred to the US or other third countries.

Please see New Relic’s data privacy notices for the purpose and scope of the data collection and for information on the processing and use of data by New Relic as well as for setting options to protect users’ privacy.

3.5. Marketing tools

We also use tools for advertising purposes (“marketing tools”). Some of the access data generated from the use of our website is used for interest-based advertising. By analysing and evaluating this access data, we are able to display personalised advertising, i.e. advertising that corresponds to your actual interests and needs, for you on our website and on the websites of other service providers.

The tools are also used to create profiles in order to show you targeted advertisements corresponding to your preferences, e.g. for a specific model, on advertising platforms. Another purpose is to improve navigation: when you visit our website, we show you products of interest to you or products similar to those you have already viewed. These cookies enable us to use our commercial offering on other affiliated websites (retargeting). In the case of third-party cookies, we have no control over the information provided by the cookie or access to the data. In addition, the third-party providers we engage to place and analyse the clicks on advertisements provide assurances under their data protection provisions that they do not merge user profiles based on data from users of our website with other user profiles that have been derived from third-party sites. If you wish to view cookies from third-party providers, obtain information on the relevant data protection guidelines and actively manage your consent or revocation of consent, we invite you to visit the following page: http://www.youronlinechoices.com.

The legal basis for the processing is provided by your consent pursuant to Art. 6(1) sentence 1 (a) GDPR. Please see 3.1.3: “Withdrawing your consent or changing your selection” for information on withdrawing your consent. For the event that personal data is transferred to the US or other third countries, your consent explicitly also extends to this data transfer (Art. 49(1) sentence 1 (a) GDPR). Please see section 6 (“Transferring data to third countries”) for the risks involved.

We would like to describe these technologies and the providers engaged for this in more detail in the following section: The data collected can include in particular:

  • the device’s IP address
  • a cookie’s identification number
  • the mobile device’s identifier (device ID)
  • referrer URL (previous page visited)
  • pages viewed (data, time, URL, title, time spent there)
  • downloaded files
  • links to other websites clicked on
  • where appropriate, achievement of specific targets (conversions)
  • technical information: operating system, browser type, version and language, device type, brand, model and resolution
  • approximate location (country and possibly town).


The data that is collected is stored exclusively in pseudonymous form, however, so that no direct conclusions can be drawn about a person’s identity.

3.5.1. Microsoft Advertising (formerly Bing Ads)

Our website uses Microsoft Advertising, a service of Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399, USA (“Microsoft”). Microsoft uses cookies and similar technologies in order to show you advertisements that are relevant to you. The use of these technologies enables Microsoft and its partner websites to show advertisements on the basis of previous visits to our or other websites on the Internet.

We also use the UET tag on our website as part of Microsoft Advertising so that we can create usage profiles while using pseudonyms. This service allows us to track users’ activities on our website if they have landed on our website via an advertisement from Microsoft Advertising (formerly Bing Ads). A user who comes to our website via an advertisement of this kind has a cookie placed on their computer. A Bing UET tag is integrated on our website, through which some non-personal data about the use of the website is stored in conjunction with the cookie. This includes among other things the time spent on the website, which areas of the website have been viewed and the advertisement via which the user came to the website. Information concerning the identity of the users is not recorded.

The information recorded is transferred to Microsoft servers in the US, where it is stored in principle for a maximum of 180 days.

You can prevent the data generated by the cookie and relating to your use of the website from being collected and from being processed by disabling the use of cookies. The functions of the website may be restricted as a result. Furthermore, Microsoft may be able to track your usage behaviour across several of your electronic devices using what is known as cross-device tracking and is thus able to show personalised advertising on and in Microsoft websites and apps. You can disable this behaviour at http://choice.microsoft.com/de-de/opt-out (opt out).

Please see the Bing Ads website for more detailed information on Bing’s analysis services. Please see Microsoft’s privacy statement for more detailed information about data protection at Microsoft and Bing.

In addition to withdrawing your consent, you also have the option of disabling the personalised advertisements at Microsoft Advertising or in the settings for advertisements in your Microsoft account.

The following cookies are placed by Microsoft Advertising:

  • “_uetsid”
  • “_uetvid”
  • “_MUID”


Please see the help pages for Microsoft Advertising and Microsoft’s privacy statements for more detailed information on this.

3.5.2. Facebook Pixel

Our websites use the Facebook pixel service of the Facebook social network, a service that is offered for users outside the USA and Canada by Facebook Ireland Limited, 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland, and or all other users by Facebook Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA (jointly Facebook), for marketing purposes.

We use Facebook Pixel in order to analyse the general use of our websites and to track the effectiveness of Facebook advertising (“conversion tracking”). Moreover, we use Facebook Pixel in order to show you individualised advertising messages based on your interest for our products (“retargeting”). Target group remarketing using Custom Audience is also carried out in this process.

“Facebook Pixel” has been integrated on our website for this purpose. A direct connection between your browser and the Facebook service is created through this tracking pixel. The tracking is carried out using a cookie that is filed on your computer and that records the following information, such as HTTP header information (including IP address, information on the web browser, page storage location, document, URL of the website and user agent as well as date and time of use), and pixel-specific data (this comprises the pixel ID and Facebook cookie data, including your Facebook ID – which are used in order to link events with a specific Facebook advertising account and assign them to a Facebook user).

Using the Facebook pixel, Facebook is able in this connection on the one hand to define the visitors to our online offer as a target group for the display of advertisements (“Facebook ads”). Accordingly, we use the Facebook pixel to show the Facebook ads that we display only to the Facebook users who have also shown an interest in our online offer or who have certain characteristics (e.g. interests in specific issues or products, which are determined using the websites visited), which we transmit to Facebook (“Custom Audiences”). We also want to ensure by using the Facebook pixel that our Facebook ads match the user’s potential interest. Using the Facebook pixel, we can furthermore track the effectiveness of the Facebook advertisements for statistical and market research purposes by seeing whether users have been directed to our website after clicking on a Facebook advertisement (known as “conversion”). The data that is collected is anonymous to use as the operator of this website and we cannot draw any conclusions about the identify of the users. The data is stored and processed by Facebook, however, meaning that a connection to the relevant user profile is possible and Facebook can use the data for its own advertising purposes in accordance with Facebook’s data policy. This allows Facebook to show advertisements on its own websites and also outside Facebook. The use of this data cannot be influenced by use as the website operator.

The data generated in this connection can be transferred to and stored on a server in the US by Facebook for evaluation. We have entered into standard contractual clauses with Facebook for the event that personal data is transferred to the US. The legal basis for the processing is provided by your consent pursuant to Art. 49(1) sentence 1 (a) GDPR. Please see section 6 (“Transferring data to third countries”) for the risks involved.

If you are a member of Facebook and have allowed Facebook to do so in your account’s privacy settings, Facebook can additionally link the information collected about your visit to our website with your membership account and use it for the targeted presentation of Facebook Ads. You can view and change the privacy settings of your Facebook profile at any time.

If you have not consented to the use of Facebook Pixel, Facebook will show only general Facebook Ads that are not selected using the information recorded about you on this website.

Please see Facebook’s privacy policy for more detailed information on this.

3.5.3. Google Marketing Platform and Ad Manager (formerly DoubleClick)

Our website uses the Google Marketing Platform and the Google Ad Manager, services that are offered to users from the European Economic Area and Switzerland by Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, to all other users by Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (jointly “Google”).

These services use cookies and similar technologies in order to show you advertisements that are relevant to you. The use of the services enables Google and its partner websites to show advertisements on the basis of previous visits to our or other websites on the Internet.

The data generated in this connection can be transferred to and stored on a server in the US by Google for evaluation. We have entered into standard contractual clauses with Google for the event that personal data is transferred to the US.

If you have not consented to the use of Google Marketing Platform and Ad Manager, Google will display only more general advertising that has not been selected using the information collected about you on this website. In addition to withdrawing your consent, you also have the option of disabling personalised advertisements in the settings for advertisements at Google.

The following cookies are placed by Google:

  • “test-cookie” for 12 months
  • “IDE” for 12 months


Please see Google’s privacy policy for more detailed information on this.

3.5.4. Criteo

In the context of joint responsibilities within the meaning of Art. 26 GDPR, we use services provided by Criteo SA, 32 Rue Blanche, 75009 Paris, France (“Criteo”) in order to collect information about user behaviour (e.g. products that you have viewed, placed in the shopping cart or purchased) in purely anonymised form with the aim of improving our website offer. As part of the contract with Criteo, we determine the scope of the relevant advertising campaign here. The implementation of this advertising campaign, including the decision on which advertisements are delivered where, then lies in Criteo’s scope of responsibility. To this end, a code created by Criteo is executed on our website directly by Criteo and (re)marketing tags (invisible graphics or code, also called web beacons) are integrated on the website.

These are used to store an individual cookie, i.e. a small file, on your device (similar technologies can also be used instead of cookies). This file makes a note on which websites the user has visited, what contents they a